Patrick Yengo
Patrick Yengo is Head of PMO and Program Manager. He works for Bouygues Telecom in France.
Anticipation is key
Project managers often go wrong early on in the project, simply because they don’t take the time to identify and manage risks. This quickly becomes an issue, and in some instances a fatal one. I recently witnessed an important project being stopped because no risk analysis had been done and risks weren’t factored into the plans or continuously monitored. As a result, delivery milestones weren’t met, costs increased and confidence in the project team was lost. In the end the company decided to completely stop the project. In this case the project manager was an experienced professional with good interpersonal relationships, but he gradually lost control of the project as unidentified risks became large issues. Anticipation is the key! Strong risk analysis and a continuous risks management are imperative to project leadership. – Patrick Yengo, Head of PMO and Program Manager